There’s no greater annual feast than Thanksgiving — creamy mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce and, of course, turkey. But this year, you can also serve up some laughs!
From sweet to corny to creamed, these Thanksgiving jokes will remind your loved ones who the biggest turkey really is.

Granite Media
To prove he wasn’t a chicken.

Granite Media
The Casse-Role.

Granite Media
Exactly where you left it.

Granite Media
Because he wanted to raise mashed potatoes.

Granite Media
Google, Google, Google.

Granite Media
The turkey because he's already stuffed.

Granite Media
The Butter Ball.

Granite Media
Because the police suspected fowl play.

Granite Media
Because he already had the drumsticks.

Granite Media
It had 18 carrots.

Granite Media
I came in like a Butter Ball!

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A Goblet.

Granite Media
She’d roll over in her gravy.

Granite Media
Plymouth rock.

Granite Media
A poultry-geist.

Granite Media
Because they saw the turkey dressing.

Granite Media
A woman asked the supermarket employee if the turkeys got any bigger.
The employee answered, "No, mam, they're dead."

Granite Media
A turkey holding its breath.

Granite Media
Because they use fowl language.

Granite Media
A har-vest.

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Granite Media
The cook had no thyme!

Granite Media
The Turkey Trot.

Granite Media
Wobble, wobble.

Granite Media
A tur-key.

Granite Media
They did a crumb-y job.

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Granite Media
But I told them I couldn't quit cold turkey.

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Granite Media
Pumpkin pi.

Granite Media
The only holiday where we eat the mascot.

Granite Media
(That’s the joke.)

Granite Media
Liberty, equality and bad aim for all.

Granite Media
Plenty of drumsticks for Thanksgiving.

Granite Media
By way of scholar-ships!

Granite Media
Because their buckles were on their hats.

Granite Media
Skip the small insults, and roast me!

Granite Media
He was way over his feed limit.

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Beets me!

Granite Media
You, after Thanksgiving dinner.

Granite Media
So, I guess we’ll have squash instead.

Granite Media
On Thanksgiving, you only get a turkey for the day, but on Election day, you get a turkey for the next four years.

Granite Media
But some people say it’s irrational.

Granite Media
A pilgrimage.

Granite Media
I liked the leftovers before they were cool.

Granite Media
Because the corn had ears.

Granite Media

Granite Media
A poul-tree.

Granite Media
Because if they dropped them, they would break.

Granite Media
Arthur who?
Ar-thur any leftovers?