Times Grandparents Used Twitter Perfectly
While some grandparents may have a reputation for being technologically adverse, there are plenty that have happily hopped on the social media bandwagon. And thank goodness they did because the tweets they share are absolutely perfect.
From being extremely proud to welcome a new grandkid into the fold, to joking about the resemblance between generations, to sneaking in sweet treats, these grandparents are the most fun to follow. Some tweets are outright funny for funny’s sake, while others are the most perfect embodiment of grandparent love (and humor) you’ll ever find.
So, enjoy this collection of tweets from the funniest and arguably proudest grandparents on the internet.
Like Grandpa, Like Grandson

The only thing that could make this more adorable would be a picture of the grandpa next to him wearing the same shades and making the same face.
Even Grandparents Get Bullied

Big bullies can come in little packages.
What an Adorable Order

It beats going to an actual Starbucks, when the muffins are served with a side of love.
Unusual Names Are No Match for This Grandma’s Wit

She can brag about her grandkids and beat you in Scrabble…at the same time!
This Grandma Is a Genius

Technically, they got what they all asked for. After all, nobody specified they wanted post-ball Cinderella.
Try the Duck Wine Because It’s Delectable

Children playing make-believe is already charming. But when they’re your own grandchildren and they offer up a creative “duck wine” among other delicacies, it becomes even more darling.
The Best Grandparents Are Deliciously Sneaky

The best part about visiting your grandparents are when they give you sweet treats you’re not supposed to have, and you get to keep it as a special secret.
When a Picture Encapsulates a Personality…

Everybody knows toddlers do what they want anyway. This picture just perfectly encapsulates that.
By the Time You’re a Grandparent, You’re Basically Too Busy to Be One

Hey, when you retire, your schedule can suddenly fill up with all sorts of things that may or may not include memorizing baby names.
Proof March Madness Is Literal Madness

Who needs statistics when you can just choose on a whim?
How Do You Explain Face-to-Face Conversations?

Lesson two is explaining that emojis are inspired by real-life people making real-life facial reactions!
There’s No Questioning This Powerful Combo

Why decide between powerful female superheroes when you can just combine the two?
When Your Grandson Doubles as Your Realtor

Well, with that straightforwardness, at least you can rest assured he probably sold it for exactly what he demanded.
This Feels Like an Appropriate Use for Caps Lock

Usually all caps is too much, but having your first granddaughter after two decades of boys does seem like something you’d want to shout loudly for all you friends to hear.
Basic Review: It Needs More Pictures

A picture says a thousand words, and it looks like this annoyed grandkid would like for his granddad to use a whole bunch more of them throughout this book.
This Might Be the Scariest Thing the Author Has Ever Written

The book title should be: “Baby Goosebumps: Stay Off The Road!”
Sometimes You’re a Grandma, and Sometimes You’re a Fan

Life is all about balance.
Taking to Twitter to Get Real

Though this happens when you’re a parent, it’s somehow more manageable when it’s your own kid — not the one you’re being nice to take care of.
Technology Makes Grandparenting Better

Tweeting a screenshot of a FaceTime hangout is definitely a high-tech grandparent move.
Granddad Jokes Rock

These cheesy jokes are like a fine wine — they get better with age.
This Is Obviously an (Adorable) Rhetorical Question

It’s hard to focus on all the tasks of the day when you have a little cute face smiling at you. Luckily, most grandparents have plenty of time to adore their little ones all day long.
When You’re Little One Is Already Modeling Like a Pro

As a grandparent, it’s easy to be proud of your grandchild’s accomplishments. But some are definitely cuter than others.
When Your Grandparent Is a Professor, the Lessons Start Early

Usually, most grandparents let their newborns at least get adjusted to the world before they start imparting complicated math knowledge. But, hey, to each their own.
Nothing Is More Fun Than Being All Matchy-Matchy

Certain traits can be passed down from grandmother to granddaughter. In this case, the distinct and colorful hair clips are clearly something these two both enjoy and show off for the world to see.
For the Proud Grandparent Who Doesn’t Yet Technically Have a Grandchild

If it lets you hold it like a baby, what’s the difference really?
A Grandparent Who Truly Understands Memes

Why show a face of you crying to reminisce about the past when you can show a stranger and get your point across even more effectively?
Welcome to Jurassic Grandchild

This future grandfather knows all too well that life will find a way.
The Cutest Spooning Attempt on Record

This grandmother clearly appreciates her grandchild’s effort, even if the end results are pretty messy.
Hearts Full All Around

This is the most grandparent tweet ever, with lots of exclamation points along with a small brag about grandchild life accomplishment made complete with a proud picture of the grandchild.
Know Your Tribe, Young One

Your grandparents want you to be whoever you want to be…as long as, of course, you root for the right team.
It’s Nice When You’re Appreciated

After a weekend with the grandkid, it’s nice to have them want to hang around even more. And a small sit down protest for going home captures that moment perfectly.
More Like Avocad-NO

It’s pretty obvious that this young girl isn’t a fan of avocados. But that doesn’t mean her grandmother couldn’t a kick out of her issues long enough to snap a picture and share it.
Why Sleep When You Can Play?

Grandparents tend to let their grandchildren get away with all sorts of things. So, it only makes sense that it’s hard to discipline someone for wanting to stay up late and play more.
True Love Is Sharing Your Candy

People show love in all sorts of creative ways. And this grandparent knows that their grandchild shows their true love through sharing some delicious sweet treats.
Already Worried About Appearance

I’m pretty sure the grandma would agree that this baby is perfect in every way and that her lovely outfit shows off all her flawlessness.
When Your Grandson Gets It

You won’t hear any complaints from this grandmother (or any grandmother) that her grandson wants to be next to her at all times.
She Speaks the Truth

The willpower is very much appreciated. But if the kiddos are cuties, most people won’t mind being inundated with pictures.
Some Grandmotherly Advice

This grandmother may not have Tweeted this per se, but it’s the most grandmotherly advice you’ll ever hear.
The Perfect Digital Greeting

And although these grandparents didn’t Tweet this, they clearly understand how wonderful technology can be when it comes to connecting with others — especially if that other is your new great-grandchild.