The term heathen has become synonymous with someone immoral, but that’s not even close to the real definition. Heathenry is a label used to describe pre-Christian religion from the Germanic area of Europe. “Heathen” originally was a neutral term to describe someone who wasn’t Christian or Jewish. It only took on a negative meaning when people began viewing it as a bad thing not to practice Christianity.
Heathenism can also be called Germanic paganism or Norse paganism, although each practitioner has a different preferred term. Neo-Heathenism was developed during the early 1900s, drawing from historical records and folklore to recreate ancient religions. It’s polytheistic in nature, viewing the natural world as full of different spirits and deities that can be honored in ceremonial rites and rituals. Heathenism can be practiced alone or in small groups.
Heathen deities are seen as more human in character than traditional gods. Practitioners believe communicating with them is possible, and so is asking them for wisdom or even bargaining with them. Beliefs in the afterlife vary, but a strong emphasis is placed on honor, loyalty and integrity.