“One time, I was in a changing room at a women’s clothing store with my then 2-year-old, trying on a new top. Well, my toddler apparently got bored with watching me try on clothes, so he ripped open the curtain and ran off at top speed into the store.
“I did not have time to think, so, half-naked, I ran after him out of the changing room and across the store, loudly shouting his name, which caused all the shoppers in the immediate vicinity to turn and look.
“He was actually halfway out the door and into the shopping center by the time I was able to catch him, and then I had to scuttle awkwardly back to the fitting rooms, bright red, embarrassed to within an inch of my life. Obviously, he thought it was hilarious.” – KaisaTheLibrarian
Don’t worry. Every good parent on the planet would have done the same thing. Parenting sure does require a sense of humor, though, doesn’t it?