When you’re creating your baby shower registry, think of it as the ultimate present list — the best baby gifts of the year. You certainly will not receive everything you place on there, making it doubly important to be discerning with your choices. Nowadays, there are so many things for new parents that it’s easy to think you need everything when actually you need very little.
We’re certain many of the items on this list are useful even if they’re not essential, and many parents will vehemently disagree with our choices. But, without ruffling too many feathers, ask yourself one question before you put that item on your baby registry: How long will this item actually be used for?
Because, trust us, the more items you put on your baby registry, the more they’ll fill your house until your kid is already out of diapers.
Note: Prices are accurate at the time of publication, but they may fluctuate. Follow the links to check current pricing.
Newborn-Size Clothing

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Clothes are an easy gift that everyone thinks new parents need. If you put clothes on your registry, many friends and family members will be at Macy’s eyeing the four pack of onesies with the cute animal designs. Or they’ll find the little shirts that say “organic” or “grown locally.” They’re adorable, but they’re also a waste of registry space.
Newborns do one thing really well: grow. They will grow out of newborn-size clothing in weeks, leaving you with a heap of unopened onesie four packs. Newborn clothing also gets peed and pooped on frequently, and it’s expensive. Try used clothes instead, or stagger the clothing options, asking for items at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, etc.
What to get instead: Gerber Baby 6 Pack Long-Sleeve Onesies Bodysuit, 12 Month, $20.99