We know what you’re thinking. How can the day I was born predict what ice cream flavor I should choose?
Well, astrologists believe that everything from your favorite color to, yes, your choice in dessert can be linked to the position of the stars on the day you were born. Plus, it’s just fun.
Read on to learn which ice cream flavor you’re likely ordering. And if you’re not already, you should try it the next time you visit your favorite ice cream shop.
Aries: Mint Chocolate Chip

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Aries dates: March 21-April 19
The astrological calendar’s first sign appreciates just that: being first. Adventurous and competitive, Aries is also quite blunt. This sign oozes confidence and is passionate about almost anything they do. A fire sign, Aries is also known for its high energy.
That’s why the mint chocolate chip flavor is a perfect match. It’s straightforward — a classic but not too classic like vanilla or chocolate — with an added minty bite that screams confidence. Plus, the combination of mint and chocolate is unmatched.
Taurus: Vanilla

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Taurus dates: April 20-May 20
The first Earth sign in the calendar is known for being steady, if not stubborn. Tauruses are creatures of habit and tend to order the same ice cream flavor every time.
True to their steadfast nature, a scoop of classic vanilla is the perfect match for a hungry Taurus. If they want to get a little wild, they can always jazz it up with some hot fudge or whipped cream.
Gemini: S’mores

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Gemini dates: May 21-June 20
Geminis are extroverted, playful souls who often border on gossipy.
They tend to be the lives of the party just like, you guessed it, s’mores! This campsite dessert is fun for children and adults alike and is made even more fun when its ingredients — graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallow — are mixed up into vanilla or chocolate ice cream.
Cancer: Cookie Dough

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Cancer dates: June 21-July 22
If Geminis are known for being out and about, then Cancers are known for being homebodies. Their idea of a good night is a quiet dinner followed by a trip to the ice cream shop — perfect!
They like their creature comforts, which is why cookie dough ice cream happens to be their flavor of choice. After all, what reminds you of home more than a chocolate chip cookie?
Leo: Rainbow Sherbert

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Leo dates: July 23-Aug. 22
Like their fire-sign counterparts, Leos are also ambitious and confident. These natural-born leaders like new experiences — and flavors.
That’s why a rainbow sherbert will satisfy Leo’s appetite for choice, as it typically consists of a combination of orange, raspberry, lime, lemon or pineapple flavors.
Virgo: Coffee

Virgo dates: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Oh, Virgos. Nice and reliable, these perfectionists don’t ever seem to stop.
A much-needed coffee ice cream will keep them focused while managing to enjoy one of the sweeter sides of life.
Libra: Cookies and Cream

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Libra dates: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Libras enjoy balance and symmetry. They tend to have an eye for design, whether it be by trade or by simply always looking put together in the most appropriate outfit.
That’s why they’ll appreciate the delicious combination that makes up the cookies and cream ice cream flavor. Chocolate cookie crumbles with creamy vanilla ice cream create the perfect amount of crunch, while also managing to melt in your mouth. It’s perfection!
Scorpio: Lemon Sorbet

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Scorpio dates: Oct. 23-Nov. 21
The bold, brassy Scorpio represented by the land-dwelling scorpion is actually a water sign. They’re known for being strong and independent but also have a secretive side that might catch you off guard.
That’s why the tart lemon sorbet is their best friend. Cool and sophisticated with an unexpectedly sweet-sour taste. Just like Scorpio.
Sagittarius: Strawberry Cheesecake

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Sagittarius folks are curious and up for adventure. Plus, they’re known for having quite the sweet tooth.
Strawberry cheesecake is just the answer. It’s a flavor that’s rarely seen at your average ice cream shop, so when it’s available, it’s always worthy of at least a tasting spoon. However, a Sagittarius will just order a full double scoop without even trying it. Bold indeed!
Capricorn: Chocolate

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Capricorn dates: Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Capricorns are about as practical as it gets, which is why we chose chocolate for them.
It’s a tasty, predictable flavor that is tough to screw up.
Aquarius: Strawberry

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Aquarius dates: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
This air sign tends to be creative while also being naturally empathetic.
That’s why a light, soothing flavor like strawberry comes to mind as an Aquarius go-to. It’s the perfect reminder of summer for a dessert that’s already the quintessential answer to a hot day.
Pisces: Salted Caramel

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Pisces dates: Feb. 19-March 20
This romantic, compassionate sign tends to be gentle, and its fish symbol always reminds us of the ocean.
That’s why a salted caramel flavor is right up the alley of any Pisces. The sea salt is obvious, but its combination with the sweet caramel gives it a silky-smooth flavor profile that is a delight for the senses.