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50 Hilarious Tweets on the Realities of Dating

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Let’s face it: Dating is hard. It’s an endless cesspool of terrible pick-up lines that lead to a high probability of being ghosted — often making you wish you had just stayed home to read a book. If you are stuck in the dating game, take solace from the fact that you are not alone. 

And sometimes, dating can bring comedic relief. 

Online apps and social media have become a hotbed for hilarious conversations — thirsty and cheesy opening lines, pun-ny exchanges and cool take-downs — that can inject some much-needed laughter into your day. Here are 50 hilarious tweets about online and in-person dating to make you feel a tad bit better about your love life. 

Pick up lines need to keep with the times.

TinderScaries / Twitter

‘It sounds like too much work.’

ch000ch / Twitter

How lucky!

KaraMorehart / Twitter

Meat can actually be intimidating (no pun intended).

sistersome / Twitter