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30 Funniest Characters From ‘Seinfeld’ — Ranked


Any self-respecting list of the best TV shows — certainly sitcoms — must include “Seinfeld.” The long-running “show about nothing” all but defined the comic sensibilities of the 1990s and continues to enjoy a rather lively second life in syndication and on streaming — the deals for which made the show’s creators very, very, very wealthy. 

We all loved the exploits of Jerry and his cronies over the show’s nine seasons, as they encountered a rogue’s gallery of some of the most unique characters ever envisioned for television. There were literally hundreds, but we ranked the top 30 for your stroll down memory lane. Let the laughter commence! 

30. Alton Benes

Alton Benes

Played by: Lawrence Tierney

No. of episodes: 1

Episode most known for: “The Jacket”

Elaine was quite a character in her own right, but who remembers that one time we met her dad, Alton Benes, played by the late, great Lawrence Tierney (also known for playing the crime boss in “Reservoir Dogs”). 

Tierney brought his gruff voice and hard-boiled manner to Alton, who dressed like he’d just stepped out of a film noir and accidentally wandered into the “Seinfeld” universe. This made his lone appearance on the show all the more hysterical. 

29. Bob Sacamano

Bob Sacamano

Played by: No one

No. of episodes: Zero (sort of)

Episode most known for: “The Heart Attack”

Before “Lost” had its mysterious numbers that were “bad” and other things that were never explained, “Seinfeld” had Bob Sacamano, a supposed friend of Kramer’s whose exploits got taller as the show went on. 

One time Kramer said Bob suffered a botched hernia operation; on another occasion, Kramer said Bob somehow cost him a county board election — or something. Bob was never seen, allowing him to grow into an ever-growing joke that built him up in viewers’ minds. Rather meta, and very “Seinfeld.”

28. Donald Sanger, aka the Bubble Boy

Donald Sanger, aka the Bubble Boy

Played by: Jon Hayman (voice)

No. of episodes: 2

Episode most known for: “The Bubble Boy”

We know what you’re thinking: Anyone whose immune system is so compromised that they have to live inside a plastic bubble deserves our sympathies, right? Not in “Seinfeld” land! 

Though never actually seen, “Seinfeld” writer Jon Hayman voiced the bubble-bound Donald Sanger, who was fond of screaming at his mother and saying things to women that would get him all the wrong kind of attention in the #MeToo era. Just goes to show you can’t judge a person by their bubble. 

27. Babu Bhatt

Babu Bhatt

Played by: Brian George

No. of episodes: 3

Episode most known for: “The Cafe”

One thing a minor character should never, ever do is take Jerry’s advice. Just ask Babu Bhatt, a Pakistani immigrant whose dream was to open up a New York foodery that served not only traditional Pakistani food but also hot dogs and tacos. 

Jerry suggests otherwise, offering what turns out to be un-sage advice that Babu focus solely on Pakistani food. Needless to say, things don’t go well, and perhaps feeling bad, Jerry helps Babu get a job cooking at a diner. It’s fun to watch dreams so dashed, isn’t it?