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America’s Favorite Thanksgiving Sides, Ranked by Popularity

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Thanksgiving is all about tradition, and food is a huge, tasty part of that. Although turkey is the main course, Thanksgiving sides are just as important. What would Thanksgiving dinner be without mashed potatoes and gravy? 

These are the most popular Thanksgiving side dishes, ranked by how many U.S. states prefer them, according to Google Trends data.

Honorable Mention: Cranberry Sauce

Bowl of cranberry jam, surrounded by cranberries
HandmadePictures / Getty Images

Country of origin: United States

Year created: 1912

States where cranberry sauce is a favorite: Shockingly, none.

Why Cranberry Sauce Is Underrated

Cranberry sauce on crackers
alifeofhappenstance / Instagram

It irks us that cranberry sauce didn’t make the cut. It wasn’t the most frequently searched side in any state, yet it’s an indispensable element of every Thanksgiving dinner.

When your plate is already covered with savory options like turkey and mashed potatoes, plus sweeter sides like cornbread and honey or sweet potato casserole, the tartness of cranberry sauce rounds out the experience.

Try this cranberry sauce recipe.

17. Fruit Salad

Ambrosia fruit salad
LauriPatterson / Getty Images

Country of origin: United States

Year created: Early 1900s

States where fruit salad is a favorite: North Dakota

Why Everyone Loves Fruit Salad

Fruit salad
Lecic / Getty Images

North Dakota, we have questions. The state was the only one to name fruit salad as a Thanksgiving favorite.

We tend to think of it as more of a summery side, but there are simple ways of making a seasonal fruit salad with warm, wintery spices and dried cranberries. 

Try this fruit salad recipe.