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50 Stunning Day of the Dead Makeup Looks

fernandabvega / Instagram

Día de los Muertos, also known as Day of the Dead, is a celebration to remember. Literally, the Nov. 1 holiday centers around the remembrance of loved ones who have passed away. According to legend, when the clock strikes 12 on Nov. 1, spirits can return to visit the realm of the living for 24 hours. 

The holiday is most commonly celebrated in Mexico, where families spend three days preparing for and enjoying Día de Los Muertos. The celebration includes setting up an altar, or ofrenda, to decorate with gifts and photos to honor family members from past generations. There are also brightly colored decorations, colorful flowers and traditional foods involved. Last but not least, many elect to wear face paint that resembles a sugar skull

Day of the Dead makeup looks are strikingly beautiful. That said, if Dia de los Muertos isn’t a part of your own culture, it’s important to fully appreciate the cultural significance and meaning of the tradition before trying it out yourself.(It has absolutely nothing to do with Halloween. At all.)

Once you’ve read up on the uplifting, family-centered roots of the holiday, keep scrolling to get some inspiration.