Not all memes age well. When a meme has been used one too many times, it either falls into the abyss of outdated web content or turns into a dank meme.
The term is used to describe exceptionally off-the-wall memes or old ones that have become so overused that they’ve evolved into ironic inside jokes.
But these dank memes are just as funny as the day they were born.
Saw Who?
Bold of you to assume that we can see.
How’s It Going
This is the pet parent equivalent of when your preschooler wants to have a playdate, but you don’t hit it off with the other kid’s parents.
If Overthinking Became a Person
No brain. Only awkwardness.
Do I Look Like Google Maps to You?
Take a left at the red stop sign. No, not that one. The other one. Not that one either.
Some People Just Can’t Take a Hint
The worst is when they know you’re not interested, but they insist on sharing anyway. Not everyone wants to hear about crypto, bro.
Why Do We Keep Doing This to Ourselves
Today me, please stop creating more work for tomorrow me. Thanks.
Any Minute Now
It’s all fun and games until they read the message and don’t even crack a smile.
Is Peer Editing Weirdly Awkward, or Was That Just Us?
We all just read whatever was on our paper and then pretended to look busy so the teacher would leave us alone.
What Else Are You Supposed To Say?
Can I interest you in a tissue or some pretzels?
Why, Yes, I Do Have Travel Plans
Later this evening, I’ll be traveling on foot to the fine establishment commonly known as Del Taco.
If You Haven’t Done This at Least Once, Do You Even Have a Best Friend?
The line between having a best buddy and a stalker isn’t just fine: It’s dotted.
No, Wait. He Has a Point
Why didn’t we notice before?
Should Be Enough To Make It Halfway Down the Block
No biggie. I’ll drive the rest of the way to work tomorrow.
It’s Like the Beach Is a Public Location or Something
You mean that going to a public beach means sharing it with the entire public? Gross.
I Have No Memory of This Place
The shower is a dangerous place. You hop in for five minutes, and suddenly you’ve won five arguments that happened yesterday and are 45 minutes late to work.
This Dank Meme Is a Friendly Reminder to Spay and Neuter Your Pets
Surprise. I know how much you love me, so I made a few copies.
File This Under Shocking Development
How we all look when the empty fuel light comes on in our car even though we just spent $97 at Arco three days ago.
Make It Stop
No one wanted to see our breakfast, but did that stop us from showing them? What kind of quitters do you take us for?
Think He Likes Kibble?
Instructions unclear. Left him in the backyard for the afternoon. Came back and it was a corn field.
Forgive? Maybe. Forget? Never.

Dank Memes Melt Steel Beams / Facebo
Patience isn’t a virtue for everyone.