Jennifer Nettles, left, and Kristian Bush, of Sugarland, perform on stage at the New Year’s Eve celebration in Times Square on Dec. 31, 2017, in New York. Brent N. Clarke / Invision / AP
Cheating, lying, betrayal — these are things that, unfortunately, many people go through. Countless songs cover cheating, mainly from the viewpoint of the person being cheated on. “Stay” shifts the perspective though — it’s from the other woman’s point of view. “You keep tellin’ me, baby, there will come a time, when you will leave her arms and forever be in mine, but I don’t think that’s the truth. And I don’t like bein’ used, and I’m tired of waitin’. It’s too much pain to have to bear, to love a man you have to share.”
Here, Sugarland makes their audience feel for the other woman — something pretty uncommon. What’s the lesson? Cheaters hurt three people: their partner, lover and themselves. It’s better to be in an open, honest and loving relationship, instead of getting caught up in a triangle, waiting for commitment that may never come.