12 Things Boomers Can Learn from Gen Z About Online Dating
Welcome to the world of online dating, where finding love is just a swipe away. In this digital age, dating apps have become the new frontier for romance, catering to the young and the young at heart. If you’re a Baby Boomer ready to dip your toes into this virtual pool of potential partners, fear not! With a bit of help from Gen Z’s savvy approach to online dating, you can confidently navigate this exciting landscape and maybe even find your perfect match.
Transform Your Profile into a Teaser Trailer

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Picture your dating profile as a movie trailer for the blockbuster that is you. Pew Research Center’s insights suggest that a concise, intriguing profile can work wonders, like a teaser that leaves audiences craving more. Highlight your quirks, your laugh, and the sparkle in your eye, but keep the audience wanting to see the full feature.
Put the Grandkids Down and Pick Up the Phone for a Selfie

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Replace those blurry, distant photos with clear, candid shots that let your personality shine. It’s worth noting that Gen Z uses dating apps to get a feel for the person, not to critique their photography skills. A selfie taken during your favorite activity can speak volumes more than a posed picture with your catch of the day.
Bye Bye Blind Dates, Hello Bio Compatibility

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The days of awkward dates are over. The value of using dating app filters to sieve through potential matches based on shared interests is worth highlighting. It’s about finding common ground that goes beyond mutual acquaintances, ensuring your next date shares more with you than just your dentist.
Chatterbox or Ghost Find the Golden Mean

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Balance is crucial when initiating a conversation. While it’s important not to be overwhelmed with messages, disappearing is equally inadvisable. Gen Z masters the art of casual and flirty communication, keeping the conversation lively without overdoing it. Take it from this generation; you don’t want to seem overbearing.
Emojis: Not Just for Kids Anymore

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The emoji language is the world’s fastest-growing language. And so, a well-placed emoji can work wonders in breaking the ice and adding a playful tone to the conversation. Bustle advises on the strategic use of emojis to convey emotions and intentions, though it cautions against overuse or misinterpretation, especially of the more… suggestive icons.
Keep it Casual… Not Too Casual, Though

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Elite Daily points out that Gen Z prefers casual first-date settings, like coffee shops, which offer a relaxed atmosphere in which to connect genuinely. This approach takes the pressure off and allows both parties to focus on the interaction rather than the ambiance—reserve that fancy dinner for the second date.
Go Dutch or Split the Check?

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Modern dating leans towards equality, with many preferring to split the bill or discuss payment beforehand. This practice reflects a shift towards partnership and mutual respect in the initial stages of dating. As per Yahoo, it’s worth noting that most women, with 37% in agreement, believe that expenses should be divided equally, regardless of individual earnings.
Honesty is the Best Policy (But Mind the Oversharing!)

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Psychology Today recommends straightforwardness about your intentions and desires in a relationship, but it’s important to pace the personal revelations. Let the depth of your disclosures match the progress of your connection. There’s no need to rush when you’re looking for something long-lasting.
Know Your Worth But Stay Humble

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Again, according to Psychology Today, confidence is faith in one’s abilities, assurance that one can face life’s hurdles and triumph, and readiness to take action based on that belief. It’s different from arrogance, though, which is a turn-off. The most ideal way to do it is to present yourself confidently while remaining approachable and grounded, demonstrating that self-assurance does not equate to egotism.
Safety First: Don’t Be Afraid to Be Cautious

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Now, here’s a troubling reality in the realm of cyber-dating. The National Domestic Violence Hotline emphasizes the importance of safety in online dating. Public meeting places, letting a friend know your plans, and trusting your instincts are all smart practices when meeting someone new.
Second Dates Aren’t Guaranteed, Don’t Get Discouraged

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Scientists found that recalling rejection activates brain areas similarly to physical pain, as revealed through functional MRI studies. It’s painful, but rejection is part of the dating process, and not every match will lead to a deep connection. Persistence and a positive attitude are crucial to navigating the ups and downs of online dating.
Embrace the Digital Age Because It’s Not Just for Cat Videos

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Mashable encourages Boomers to familiarize themselves with the functionalities of dating apps, making the experience less daunting and more enjoyable. It’s never too late; a little tech savvy goes a long way in the digital dating world!
Be Open to New Experiences (But Not Too Open)

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Researchers discovered that individuals often have partners sharing similarities in appearance, intelligence, and educational and religious backgrounds, highlighting patterns in relationship histories. However, keep an open mind to potential matches that might fall outside your usual “type” while keeping your boundaries.
Communication is Key: Don’t Play Games

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According to Keystone Education Group, Gen Z values direct communication highly. Clarity about one’s feelings and intentions fosters a healthy and straightforward dating experience free from unnecessary confusion or game-playing. That’s one good thing you can learn from when it comes to putting yourself out in the online dating pool.
Have Fun! It’s an Adventure, Not a Job Interview

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Finally, Psychology Today reminds us that dating is meant to be an enjoyable journey, not a high-stakes interrogation. Approach each interaction with curiosity and openness, and who knows? You never know, the adventure might lead to unexpected and wonderful destinations.