Every four-legged friend is perfectly suited to an owner — unless, of course, that owner is allergic to dogs. Fortunately, there are plenty of breeds suitable for families looking for a pet that kids can play with for hours, without needing a box of tissues.
It’s important to note, though, that no dog is absolutely and entirely hypoallergenic. While all dogs shed fur, some are less likely to do so than others. Even then, it is the dog hair and dander (dead skin particles that flake from dogs) that cause the allergic reaction rather than the shedding. So, regular baths can solve this problem.
With that in mind, here are some amazing hypoallergenic dog breeds that will make the whole family happy, even allergy sufferers.

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A popular hybrid breed, the labradoodle is the result of crossbreeding the labrador retriever and a poodle (miniature or standard). The ideal family pet, they are quite active and very friendly.
Their coat requires regular grooming, but they don’t shed. In fact, a lot of poodle hybrids don’t. From one to the next, this breed can look very different with some having curlier hair, while others resemble the more shaggy retrievers.
With that in mind, it’s important to remember that mixed breeds can be less hypoallergenic than others, depending on how much of one dog’s traits they have over the other. In this instance, a shaggier, retriever-like labradoodle is likely to be less hypoallergenic than its more poodle-like counterpart.