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Am I Ready for a Baby? These Parents Have the Best Answers

Yuri_Arcurs / Getty Images

Maybe you love kids, and you know you want them one day, but you’re not sure if you feel ready to raise children yet. Maybe you’re getting to an age where it’s a logical next move, but you’re not even sure if you’d be a good parent. Or if you’d even like parenting.

It doesn’t matter where you stand when asking, “Am I ready for a baby?” Total honesty is a must. Get real with yourself about whether or not starting a family is a good idea. Do you have a good support system? Does your work offer parental leave or, even better, child care? Are you ready to stay at home most weekend nights?

To help you sort out if now is the perfect time to have a baby, these parents on Reddit shared their own experiences and advice about raising a child. Take it from us: If wiping someone else’s butt is a dealbreaker, stick with a goldfish.

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